Illinois Representative Bill Foster has shown his foul ways through his relentless support for Israel’s military interests. Foul Foster stated that it’s, “crucial that we will be providing resources – especially defensive weapons – to Israel as it defends itself from Hamas and other Iranian-backed terrorist groups.” Foster has signed off on the Strengthening the Israel-U.S. Alliance Act of 2023, a bill that authorizes the allocation of $3.8 billion of U.S. tax dollars in military aid to Israel. Bill Foster has a decade-long history of backing pro-Israel legislation, demonstrating his alignment with Israeli lobby groups in exchange for $546,194 in campaign donations. Foster had already garnered backing from pro-Israel donors. Notably, one of his major contributors this cycle is Apollo Global Management, a private equity firm, whose CEO, Marc Rowan, played a key role in the removal of the president and board chair at the University of Pennsylvania in response to Israel’s conflict with Gaza.
During a April 2024 press release Bill Foste stated that the Israel-U.S. Alliance Act of 2023 bill will also provide, “humanitarian assistance for Gaza so that we can provide overdue life-saving assistance to innocent civilians endangered by this war and by other conflicts around the world.” The same aid Foster talks about is either blocked by Israeli military and/or settlers, never reaching the Gazan population or dropped over their heads like bombs.
Foster’s voting record is more notable for what he hasn’t done for Palestinians. While he voted in favor of two measures supporting Israel, neither addressed the deaths of Palestinians caused by Israeli forces. Foster did not co-sponsor the ceasefire resolution introduced in October, nor did he support a resolution by fellow Illinois Democrat Ramirez, which honored 6-year-old Wadee Alfayoumi, an Illinois resident who was killed due to a hate crime amid Israel’s war on Gaza. Foster recently criticized Israel’s actions; but has yet to take any material actions to end the bloodshed in Gaza, such as supporting a ceasefire.
Related Links
Foster Statement on Passage of Foreign Aid Supplemental, Congressman Bill Foster Gov, 2024
U.S. Aid to Israel in Four Charts, Jonathan Masters & Will Merrow, 2024
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