Washington Senator Patty Murray is a strong advocate for Israel, a position reinforced by financial backing from AIPAC. Pestilent Patty has used her legislative voting power to ensure Israel’s genocidal military is well funded. The most notable legislation Senator Patty has signed onto is the Strengthening of Israel-U.S. Alliance Act, which provides Israel with $3.8 billion in unconditional military aid. This funding aligns with the existing Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the U.S. and Israel, which was established in 2016 and outlines a commitment of $38 billion in military assistance over a ten-year period.
Just two months before signing onto the Strengthening of Israel-U.S. in April 2024, Pestilent Patty delivered a speech to the Senate floor voicing her views on Palestine and Israel. Murray said, “As I have said repeatedly—Israel has a clear right to defend itself and its people,” and continued by adding, “that [it] must be done in accordance with the laws of armed conflict and international humanitarian law… it must make every effort to protect innocent civilians in Gaza—who make up the vast, overwhelming majority of people in the Gaza strip.” While Pestilent Patty panders to other lawmakers about Israel’s use of collective punishment being fundamentally wrong, she also joined her colleagues to sign off on more weapons to be sent to Israel to use on Palestinians.
In early February, Sen. Patty Murray, chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, approved an extra $14.1 billion in aid for the Israeli military. This decision came despite the International Court of Justice investigating Israel for genocide. While Pestilent Patty votes to use U.S. tax dollars to fund killing Palestinian children, young people in Washington State are facing rising food insecurity, homelessness, and poverty. The Washington public education system suffers from ongoing funding cuts and staffing shortages. Why does Sen. Patty Murray prioritize Israel’s military over her own constituents? The answer is simple, it’s because AIPAC is her 3rd largest donor. Improving the education system for her constituents doesn’t keep Patty’s pockets full, AIPAC does.
Related Links
Murray Calls for Israel to Change Course in Gaza and End Collective Punishment of Civilians, Patty Murray Gov., February 2024
OPINION | Sen. Murray’s Legacy: Funding Gaza’s Tragedy, South Seattle Emerald, March 2024